Tag Archives: guns

So it’s been a crazy week 

This last week, it was a lot.

I got my iud removed ! Yayyyyy!!! I feel 1000 times better. I have been haveing cramps and my arm is really sore but that’s okay I’m on my way. I have had some live soreness but I hope we get that taken care of soon.

Timeloard got her shots. She was not a happy camper. She literally freaked out. The only thing she seemed to enjoy was hugging the super cute nurse. It was hilarious she went straight for the arms … Much like mommy would have lol. 

I need a hug too Mr. Nurse, I need a hug. 

I dyed my hair blue. Now that I feel more like myself I want to look more like myself. I love it. I still need to treat it but i really like it.

Overall it was an okay week. 
Until I saw 3 white supremist get out their car and jump at black man and his wife in the grocery store parking lot. 

Yah that will fuck your week up.

There I was getting my stuff in the car, just as the couple was and this truck pulls behind them. I think they must have been yelling at them but I wasn’t paying attention, groceries stores  on a Sunday are crazy. I only noticed when I heard her screaming. Three cowards, three low life’s, jumping on a women while her husband tries to protect her in the parking lot. A few people came to her aid. I remember this Middle Eastern guy just came out of no where and was helping them as best he could. He was older. A white guy was the one who broke it up mostly.

They screamed Hitler slogans I only heard before in old documentaries on the History channel. They screamed for them to pull there paints up and not shop in their neighborhood. 

Some people helped, but what I remember most was how most just looked on and more than that; a few cheered. 

The wife just seemed shook up, the husband got beat down.

When it was over, the 3 men laughed and walked into the store. I don’t think cops were called. I was too scared in my car just trying to get out the parking lot. Literally shaking. How could this happen? How could this be okay ? How could people cheer?

I was directly across from them. Honestly I think the only reason it wasn’t me was because they just didn’t see me as they cruised threw the parking lot. I had my head in the car getting the baby in. They  just didn’t see the color of my skin. 

I’m always arguing with my friends that racism is vey few and far between. That we can’t just look at every white person with fear and distrust. That we have to end violence with love and understanding. 

Later that day, I purchased my first handgun. 

Lina Maureen

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